martes, 5 de mayo de 2009

The Inner Nerd

Hola, followers y otra gente que no conozco. Revisando mi facebook me conseguí con dos textos que me encantan. El primero fue escrito por Joss Whedon -quien es simplemente increíble- en Astonishing X-Men, es parte de un diálogo entre Kitty Pryde y Colossus. El segundo es un monólogo de Faith en Buffy The Vampire Slayer Season 8. Te sorprenderías de lo profundo que puede ser un comic book, kiddo.

"Everything is so fragile. There's so much conflict, so much pain... You keep waiting for the dust to settle and then you realize this is it; the dust is your life going on. If happy comes along. That weird unbearable delight that's actual happy I think you have to grab it while you can. You take what you can get. 'Cause its here, and then... gone"

"This is friendship. Step one: you finally meet someone you dig, somebody who doesn't seem like all the other phony losers out there. Step two: they share a little of themselves with you, you share EVERYTHING with them. Step three: it all goes to crap.
They hurt you. You hurt'em back. Or maybe it's the other way around. Whatever. Someday, you might find a way to forgive each other. But it won't ever be like it used to, 'cause that pain never really fades away. And in the end, no matter how many wicked good times you had together, you woulda been better off flying solo all along. Anyway, live and learn. Almost die and learn way more"

I'm outta here!

P.S.: Si no hablas inglés, you're pretty much fucked.

2 comentarios:

  1. My God!! Loved It!
    Specially the second one!!
    It's Sooo fucking true....

  2. yo soy uno de esos desconocidos que llego por casualidad al blog..
    pero con quotes como estos, seguro me volvere un follower!
    bro el segundo es la realidad de todas las personas del planeta, pero como saber si confiar o no si nunca has pasado por esa "amistad/es" que te joden!
    keep the quotes coming
